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Learn With Us

Autism Louth & Meath also operates as a social enterprise which supplies evidence-based, free or reasonably priced, applied training courses or information talks to parents and professionals delivered by experienced qualified personnel.

We utilize our expertise and experience we have built up to deliver a suite of training courses covering topics from Challenging Behaviour to Social Skills to Developing Communication to Apps for Autism.

Through Drogheda ABACAS School we have built up a network of expertise in Autism and Special Needs. As part of our range of high quality services, we provide training and consultancy to professionals, parents and carers to help children and young people with autism to learn, thrive and achieve. We also regularly get requests for training from both parents and people working in the special needs area.

From this and also from extensive discussions with our parent support group and also our network of 13 schools around Ireland we have built a range of short training courses which can be delivered from the local centre of expertise by appropriately qualified personnel.

Our courses are mainly behavioural as our staff are qualified Behaviour Analysts but we will also have guest speakers and trainers from time to time. Our courses have been developed based on our experience within the Drogheda ABACAS School for children with Autism and also in response to the requests we receive.

Upcoming Learning & Training

Parent information session on how to navigate pre-school and primary school placements for their autistic children.  Takes place on Thursday the 1st of February 2024 at 19.3 in the ABACAS School, Congress Avenue, Drogheda, Co Louth.  Click the link below to book;



Links to Online Training

The Middletown Centre For Autism offer high quality, free training sessions for parents and teachers on a range of subjects relating to autism. Click the link below for more information.


Links to Online Learning Resources

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Contact Jacinta on or 087 240 7431 or Trish on or 087 078 7356

What next? New diagnosis? Overwhelmed? Our experience and understanding can help. start here